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You Wouldn’t Bake a Cake Without The Right Ingredients – So Why Would You Ever Try To Start And Grow An Online Business Without Taking the Right Steps and Using the Right “Ingredients”?

You won’t miss any steps on the road to success when you use this 50-piece tool kit to start, scale and sustain your PROFITABLE online business!

Have you ever made a cake with rotten eggs? Or did you try to make it without a crucial ingredient like flour? Or maybe you forgot an important step like preheating the oven?

It doesn’t work very well, does it? You’d never knowingly mess with a good recipe as you know you’ll get disastrous results.

And yet right now, there are plenty of people who are trying to start and grow an online business without taking the proper steps or using the right “ingredients”.

Why is this happening?

Simple: because it’s easy to skip a step when you’re trying to do something as complex as building a profitable online business. And sometimes you simply don’t know what all you need to do to create the sort of popular, profitable online business you’ve been dreaming about.

And that’s why you need a set of tools to simplify the entire process and distill it down to only the most important “ingredients” and steps you need to take.

No more flying blind... No more overlooking a crucial step. No more guessing what steps, tools and “ingredients” are going to work best to deliver your desired results.

Introducing “The My Online Biz Tool Kit: 50 Tools For Starting, Scaling and Sustaining Profits With The Online Business Of Your Dreams…

Inside the My Online Biz Tool Kit, you’ll find 50 different tools including checklists, templates, lists, planners, how-to content, tips and more to help you start, scale and sustain your own money making online business.

Let’s break it all down…

Start: Starting a online business requires careful planning and a great foundation. This tool kit includes tools to help you choose the right goals and achieve them. You’ll learn about doing market research, setting up sales funnels, building your mailing list and much more.

Scale: Once your business is generating some income, then you’ll want to look at how to scale it so you can grow your mailing list, customers, sales, and revenue. This tool kit includes tools for doing exactly that, as you learn how to expand your sales funnel, convert more browsers into buyers, generate repeat business, and more.

Sustain: Using a “churn and burn” business model is a waste of time and money. That’s why this tool kit includes tools and resources for sustaining your online business growth, which includes retaining customers, getting more done in less time, achieving your goals, and so much more!

Bottom line? 

This 50-piece tool kit is designed to save you time and money while helping you start and grow a very successful online business.

What all do you get inside this collection of tools? You’ll get five separate tool kits covering email marketing, product creation, traffic generation, online business growth, and success. Each tool kit contains ten different tools.

Here’s everything you get inside each of the 5 (yes FIVE!) tool kits when you order now…

Tool Kit #1: The Online Biz Success Tool Kit

Tool #1 - Success Simplified: The Complete Checklist For Achieving Objectives

We can break success down into a series of steps including effective goal setting, planning and implementation – and this checklist covers it all.

Tool #2 - The Goals Worksheet:  Getting The Right Things Done Right Away

Do you know how to create effective goals that are designed to achieve your dreams? This worksheet will walk you through the steps.

Tool #3 - 20 Ways To Finish Projects Faster (Without Sacrificing Quality) 

Want to get more done in less time? This primer shows you 20 ways to cut the time it takes to do important projects without cutting corners.

Tool #4 - How To Create Step-By-Step Systems (To Make Things Easier)

Use this mini tutorial to systemize any process, which makes the process faster, it makes it easier, and it creates a process you can hand off to anyone while still getting consistent results.

Tool #5 - 7 Time-Management Tools To Help Make The Most Of Your Day 

If you like using technology to keep on track, then you’ll love learning about these seven tools and apps to boost your productivity.

Tool #6 - The Top Ten Dumbest Things Business Owners Do (And What To Do Instead)

Ugh, are you making any of these dumb, yet really common, mistakes? Learn how to recognize them so you can avoid them entirely or change course fast – plus you’ll find out what to do instead.

Tool #7 - Focus FAQs: 5 Answers For When You Get Off Track

Seems like there’s always some metaphorical squirrel or bright and shiny object that makes you lose your focus. This FAQ resource will tackle these issues and teach you how to overcome them.

Tool #8 - 5 Keys To Working Anytime You Want, Any Place You Want

Your business should provide freedom, not become a prison for you. That’s why you’ll want to check out these five keys for creating the type of business that allows you to work anywhere, any time.

Tool #9 - 35 Quotes For Inspiration And Ideation To Keep You Going When The Going Gets Tough 

Some days it’s hard to get motivated. These 35 quotes will give you a new perspective, inspire you, motivate you, and keep you going no matter what.

Tool #10 - Schedule For Success:  Your 5-Day Work Week (With Examples)

Use this planner to create an effective schedule that’s designed to help you get better results, get through your to-do list, and work your plan for success.

Tool Kit #2: The Product Creation Tool Kit

Having your own digital product is one of the most profitable things you can have in your online business to make money. Using this tool kit you can create your first one and then use it to keep creating digital products until you have your own highly profitable digital product empire!

Tool #1 - The Product Plan: Your Go-To Chronological Creation Checklist

Planning and creating a product involves a lot of steps – but the process is simple when you use this checklist.

Tool #2 - How To Find Out What Your Customer Will Buy

One of the biggest keys to creating a bestselling product is to create one that your audience desperately wants. This resource shows you how to find out what your customers will line up to buy.

Tool #3 - The Idea Swipe File:  50 Evergreen Topics To Tweak And Use As Your Own

If you don’t have a niche topic idea yet, you’re going to love this swipe file. You’ll get 50 evergreen ideas, plus bonus ideas inside each of the 50 niches. You’ll have hundreds of ideas by the time you finish reading this.

Tool #4 - Best-Seller FAQs:  6 Questions You Must Answer To Create A Hit Product

Everyone wants to know the secrets of creating a product that sells like crazy and generates a lot of revenue. Check out this bestseller FAQ to find out the best tips, tricks and strategies for doing exactly that.

Tool #5: 7 Shortcuts To Speed Up Product Creation 

Product creation can take a long time, especially when you’re creating courses, membership sites and similar. This tool gives you 7 surefire shortcuts for creating products faster and easier.

Tool #6 - Outlining And Organizing Made Simple (Done-For-You Structures)

One of the keys to a great product (or any piece of content) is to outline and organize it first. This resource gives you three common outlines that are suitable for 99% of the content you want to create.

Tool #7 - The Top 10 Ways To Make Your Information Product Stand Out In The Crowd

Look around, I bet you have lots of competition in your niche. That’s why you’ll want to put these ten ideas to work to create a unique, high-quality product that stands out from the crowd and makes it easy to beat the competition.

Tool #8 - The 14-Day Schedule For Creating An Information Product

Here you get a precise 14-day schedule outlining exactly what you need to do day-by-day to create a high-quality product! From outlining to proofing and everything in between, this schedule will keep you on track.

Tool #9 - The Pricing Worksheet:  Setting The Perfect Price Point

Your price can make or break your product. This worksheet walks you through the steps of finding the pricing sweet spot – high conversions and low refunds.

Tool #10 - Your Multi-Purpose, Fill-In-The-Blanks Infoproduct Sales Letter Template 

Now you too can quickly and easily create a compelling sales letter. All you have to do is fill in the blanks in this template, and you’ll have a sales letter in hand in just minutes.

Tool Kit #3: The Email Marketing And List Building Tool Kit

Building a list and marketing to that list is the “secret sauce” when it comes to selling. Master email marketing and you’ll always be able to make money with your online business. This tool kit 

Tool #1 - The Ultimate Email Marketing Checklist For Beginning And Building A List

From picking out your lead magnet to setting up a lead page and beyond, this checklist will help you design an effective email marketing strategy.

Tool #2 - The Top Ten Smartest Things You Can Do To Get More Subscribers

You got the basics snapped into place, and now it’s time to start getting results. These top ten smart moves will make it easier than ever to attract more subscribers.

Tool #3 - Five Features Every Email Marketer Ought To Be Using

Do you know all the cool features your email service provider offers that can make email marketing faster, easier and more effective? We’ll cover five of the best features inside this resource.

Tool #4 - The Follow-Up Worksheet:  Converting Subscribers Into Sales Through Sequences

A one-off email will generate a few sales, but an effective sequence can skyrocket your conversions. This worksheet will walk you through the steps of planning effective, high-converting sequences.

Tool #5 - How To Write An Effective Email That Gets Clicks In 5 Simple Steps

Sending out low-quality emails that no one reads isn’t going to be very profitable. That’s why this mini tutorial reveals a simple five-step process for getting clicks, conversions, and sales.

Tool #6 - 7 Outlines For Structuring Emails For Every Occasion 

If you ever struggle to know how to organize information, then these seven outlines are for you. Use them to quickly and easily outline some of your most common types of emails. 

Tool #7 - 52 Fill-In-The-Blank Subject Line Templates

Your email subject line is the most important part of your email. Use these fill-in-the-blank templates to quickly and easily write subject lines that are sure to get more clicks.

Tool #8 - The Call To Action Swipe File:  10 CTAs You Can Copy And Paste 

Need to boost conversions with better CTAs? Just fill in the blanks to easily create your own click-worthy calls to action.

Tool #9 - Email Marketing Q&A:  Answers To Your 5 Biggest Questions

This short coaching Q&A session tackles some of the topics, strategies and tips that every email marketer ought to know.

Tool #10 - The Campaign Calendar:  What To Send And When To Send For Best Results

Use this calendar to plan up to a year’s worth of content. Planning ahead results in better quality emails, consistency over time, happier subscribers, more conversions and more revenue.

Tool Kit #4: The Traffic Generation Tool Kit

Tool #1 - The Traffic Checklist:  20 Things To Do To Promote Any Offer

Your offer is ready to roll – now what? se this traffic checklist to walk yourself through 20 traffic-generating steps to promote any offer. You may want to print this one.

Tool #2 - The Top 10 Ways To Get Completely Free Traffic

Budget a little tight right now? No problem – here you’ll discover ten of the very best ways to drive highly targeted traffic to your site… for free.

Tool #3 - Optimization Outlines:  Using Strategic Content For Search Clicks

Inside this resource, you’ll get two outlines for two popular types of blog articles, along with notes about how to optimize the content in order to improve search engine visibility and boost traffic.

Tool #4 - How To Get Traffic From Multiple Sources From One Piece Of Content

Who else wants to save time and money? This resource shows you how to repurpose one piece of content to generate traffic from multiple sources.

Tool #5 - 7 Ways To Warm Up Traffic Before They Arrive So They Are Ready To Take Action

If you want better conversions, more sales and more revenue, then check out this resource. Here you’ll find out how to presell your audience so they arrive on your landing pages and sales pages ready to take action.

Tool #6 - Traffic Tools:  7 Online Sites And Services That Help Get Visitors To Your Site 

You don’t need to do everything manually – when you use these seven traffic tools and platforms, you’ll get more traffic, more easily.

Tool #7 - Paid Traffic Primer:  20 Hacks For Spending Less Money And Getting More Orders

Paid advertising doesn’t need to be expensive. This paid traffic primer gives you 20 surefire tips and tricks for increasing your ROI and generating more sales.

Tool #8 - Traffic Generation FAQs:  Answers To Why This Isn’t Working And How To Fix It

Just about every online marketer runs into problems with their traffic strategy. This FAQ will help you troubleshoot, fix or even avoid the most common issues.

Tool #9 - The Traffic Campaign Worksheet:  Getting The Right People To See The Right Offer

The key to a great traffic strategy isn’t to just throw everything at the wall to see what sticks. That’s why you’ll want to use this worksheet to create a well-planned campaign that gets results.

Tool #10 - The Daily Schedule For Getting Daily Traffic (Your 5-Day Workflow)

The key to a good traffic strategy is to take consistent steps every day to grow your traffic, and this customizable schedule shows you how to do it.

Tool Kit #5: The Make More Money Tool Kit

Tool #1 - The 4 Most Important Things You Must Do To Keep Growing Your Business 

Once you get traffic, subscribers, and sales rolling in, you want to make sure they keep rolling in. This resource will show you four things you can do to keep your business growing.

Tool #2 - The Growth Guide:  Your Ultimate Checklist For Increasing Revenue

What are the exact steps you need to take to grow your traffic, sales and revenue? Review this checklist to find out -- and then put it to work to get results.

Tool #3 - How To Increase The Average Amount Customers Spend Per Order

One great way to generate more revenue is to get your customers to spend more money every time they place an order. This resource shows you how to do it.

Tool #4 - 5 “Set It And Forget It” Ways To Get More Orders Automatically

You don’t need to be hustling around the clock to make sales. Put these five hands-free strategies to work, and you’ll see the orders flow in automatically… even when you’re kicked back and relaxing.

Tool #5 - 20 Types Of Special Offers To Create For A Spike In Sales 

This list covers everything from flash sales to BOGO offers to some you may not have even heard about before! Use them all to create a surefire spike in your sales.

Tool #6 - The Post-Sale Planner For Upping Your Order Frequency

You made a sale – now the goal is to get your new customer to buy again… and again… and again! This planner shows you how!

Tool #7 - The Funnel Planning Worksheet:  Getting The Right Four Pieces In Place

Planning a sales funnel can feel a little daunting if it’s your first time. This planning worksheet makes it easy as it walks you through the steps of creating a funnel that your customers will move through effortlessly.

Tool #8 - 5 FAQs About Converting Browsers Into Buyers... Answered!

This FAQ resource shows you how to turn lukewarm browsers into cash-in-hand customers – and you can bet they’ll go on to become repeat buyers.

Tool #9 - The Retention Cheat Sheet:  Reduce Refunds, Overcome Buyer’s Remorse And Keep Customers Coming Back 

Persuading an existing customer to buy something else is one of the easiest sales you’ll ever make, which is why it’s so important to create satisfied customers and retain them. This cheat sheet shows you how to do it.

Tool #10 - 6 Copy And Paste Project Descriptions To Get Other People Growing Your Business 

Outsourcing is a great way to grow your business, and these copy-and-paste project descriptions make it easy for you to attract the best freelancers to get the job done right.

Are You Ready To Get Your Hands On ALL
50 Of These Tools To Help You In Your Online Biz?

Wow! Can you believe how many tools and how much information I packed into this tool kit? Even I amazed myself with this one. 

And as you can see, there is a lot of value packed it, so you’re probably wondering…

How much is this MASSIVE tool kit?

When you order today, you can get the entire collection of tool kits with ALL 50 total tools for just $47

That’s just a little more than .50 PER tool!

(Or $97 for the PLR version of this package which you can make-money with in even more ways!) 

This is a great deal as you won’t find a better collection of tools to help you save time and money AND make MORE money with your online business. 

Look at it this way... If you pull just one gold nugget out of these tools and resources to generate a new customer or get a sale or two, then you’re going to instantly recoup your investment in this collection!

But, I’m confident this collection is going to deliver a whole lot more than just one gold nugget. You’re going to find dozens of great ideas and actionable steps you can take right now to start, scale and sustain your business. 

This is a great investment in your business, so take out your credit card and click the order option you need below! After you've paid your one time  payment, you can instantly download the entire package with all 5 tool kits and 50 tools inside (and the PLR if you pick the PLR option)!

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My Online Biz Tool Kit And Get All Of This...

Instant access to all 50 tools in the 5 different tool kits with instructions on how to consume everything and start using it all!

Normal price $97

Only $47!

(one time payment)

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My Online Biz Tool Kit PLUS PLR And Get All Of This...

Only 50 21 Licenses Left!
Instant access to all 50 tools in the 5 different tool kits with instructions on how to consume everything and start using it all!
PLR to all 50 tools in the 5 different tool kits that you can use in a multitude of profitable ways. 
Sales copy and graphics to help you sell this as your very own product!

Normal price $197

Only $97!

(one time payment)

choose your image

What are the PLR rights if I buy the PLR option?

You can use this PLR in a multitude of ways. Create your own products, use some tools as lead magnets, use as content, and so much more. The only things you cannot do is use my name in your marketing of the materials or sell any kind of rights to anything you create with the content. No rights can be passed on in any way.

How long will I have access?

Your purchase is guaranteed live and online for 1 year, but you can download everything in one easy download and have it on your computer for as long as you want.